Special Education Public Notice
This insert is provided to review for the community the pertinent rules and regulations governing special education programs. These may be programs operated by the district for Northern students or programs operated by the Capital Area Intermediate Unit or another school district with whom our district will contract for services.
Screening and Evaluation for Special Education
The Northern York County School District employs certain procedures for locating, identifying, and evaluating the specific needs of school- aged students requiring special programs and/or services.
Routine screenings of a child’s hearing are conducted in kindergarten and grades 1,2,3,7, and 11 with height and weight checked on an annual basis. Vision is screened in every grade level, with speech and language screenings being done on a referral basis. In addition, scoliosis screening is conducted in grades 6 and 7. Students entering kindergarten are screened as they enter school, and teachers continually assess gross motor, fine motor, academic, and social/ emotional skills. Oral health evaluations are administered by the school dentist as needed to students in kindergarten, third, and seventh grade. Special information from these screenings is noted in the child’s file, as appropriate. These records are always open to parents and educators on a "need to know" basis. Other persons and agencies must secure written permission from parents to gain access, and any communication must be in English or the native language of the child or parent.
When a child experiences difficulty within the classroom, screening information will be gathered by the Child Study Team (CST) located within the child’s school to determine his or her specific needs or to document the need for any further evaluation. If it is agreed upon that the child may need additional services the CST will make adjustments relative to keeping the child within regular classroom expectations. If progress is not made with this team involvement, parents may be asked to give permission for necessary individual professional evaluations. When all of the evaluations are completed, a multi- disciplinary evaluation will be conducted with parental involvement. It will include recommendations for eligibility and any necessary interventions to deal with the child’s specific needs. With parent input, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed if the child is determined to be eligible for and in need of Specially Designed Instruction. Parents are then presented with a Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP) with which they may or may not agree. If the parents or a district are at odds over programming recommendations, the issue may be taken to mediation, a prehearing conference, or a due process proceeding.
Parents who believe their child may be in need of special education may request a Multidisciplinary Evaluation. The request shall be made in writing, addressed to the building principal, and should explain why parents believe that any evaluation is necessary.
Special Education Programs and Services
The Northern York County School District provides special education programs and services for eligible students. Some programs and services are district operated while others are a cooperative effort between the district, intermediate unit, or a neighboring school district. To qualify as an eligible student, the child must be of school age, in need of Specially Designed Instruction, and meet the criteria for one or more of the following disabilities as set forth in the Pennsylvania Standards: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, and visual impairment including blindness. The district is committed to providing support for all eligible students.
Other Protected Handicaps
A protected handicapped students is school-aged with a physical or mental disability, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to any aspect of the school program. This situation is different from those applicable to eligible students enrolled (or seeking enrollment in special education programs). In compliance with both state and federal law, the school district provides services to each protected handicapped student without discrimination or cost to the student or family. These related services or accommodations are intended to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain benefit from school programs and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the students’ abilities. These services and protections are distinct from those applicable to special education programs. For further information on the provisions of services to protected handicapped students, contact the building principal.
Gifted Education- Chapter 16
Students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual and creative ability may be recommended by his/her teacher for a Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation. This is a systematic process of testing, assessment, and other evaluative processes used by a team to develop a recommendation about whether or not a student is gifted or needs gifted education. Any student who is determined to be in the need of gifted support will be offered a Gifted Individual Education Program. Parents who believe their child may be in need of gifted services may request that a Multidisciplinary Evaluation be conducted. The request shall be in writing, addressed to the building principal, and should explain why parents believe that any evaluation is necessary.
Privacy Rights of Parents and Students
Northern York County School District and it employees are required by federal and state regulations to protect the rights of students. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 along with Chapter 12, "Students’ Rights and Responsibilities," form the foundation for these rights. Information dealing with students in the areas of educational records and personally identifiable information cannot be released without written parental consent or, if a student is over the age of 18, without the student’s consent.
Informational records, which are maintained by the school district consist of information directly related to the students and assists the staff in the day to day operation of the district educational program.
Personally identifiable information includes the student’s name, the name of the parents of other family members, personal information or personal characteristics that would make a student’s identity traceable. This information is released only by parent request or to another educational agency to which the student is transferring.
Directory information can be released without consent. It is information contained in the educational record of a student which would generally not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The school district would generate this information which includes these items: student’s name, address, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, participation in official school activities (and participation requirements), degrees and awards, email address, photograph, and attendance at any previous educational facility.
Disclosure of information permits access to or the release of records, or any part of the records, to and party by any means, including oral, written, or electronic. The district must maintain a written record of disclosure for parents to inspect. Permission is granted only when requested by the parent in writing. The request must indicate the following information: the specific records to be disclosed, the stated purpose of the disclosure, and the party to whom disclosure is to be made. Information is also available to district personnel who have an educationally relevant reason to possess such knowledge.
Information about early intervention, parent rights, mediation, due process, special education programs, and the educational records policy is available upon request by contacting David Borrell, Director of Student Services, at 432-8691 extension 1109.