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Screening, Evaluating, and Programming for Gifted Students

Gifted Education Program Overview

Gifted Screening Procedures

Northern York has data-based teams consisting of building and district level members that review the universal screenings done three times per year to identify high achieving students.  Additional data reviewed include nationally normed assessments and standardized assessments (i.e. K-BIT).  Instructionally, teachers also utilize curriculum based assessments which are assessments used in the classroom.  These various sources of data are used to support a basis of multiple criteria as defined by Chapter 16.  When data indicates a need for further assessment a gifted multidisciplinary evaluation is conducted with parent permission to evaluate the child. 

Students are screened by the principal along with grade-level data teams at several times throughout the year on district academic benchmarks in reading and math (e.g., Fall, Winter, Spring), standardized assessments in reading and math (e.g., Fall, Winter, Spring), and standardized group ability measures.  The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is administered to all second grade students throughout the district in October of each school year. Once a student appears to perform at or near the exceptional level (i.e. consistently above 90th percentile rank for academic measures and 95th percentile rank for intelligence measures), the student is screened with a brief individualized measure of intelligence. Based on the results of this assessment, students at or above the 95th percentile rank may be recommended to continue with a comprehensive individual testing with a school psychologist. Additionally, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders may request that a particular student be screened with a brief intelligence measure.

NYCSD Procedures:
a. Students are to be screened for gifted education services if they meet any of the following conditions:
    1) Student achieves a score of 125 or above on a group administered ability test (OLSAT)
    2) Referred by school personnel or parents (oral or written)

b. If 1 or 2 are satisfied, then the permission to screen for gifted eligibility is issued to parents by the building principal/guidance counselor and upon signed receipt, the principal/guidance counselor:
    1) Will conduct the individual intelligence screening
    2) Will issue and collect a gifted teacher/parent rating scale
    3) Will issue and collect a teacher/parent questionnaire
    4) Will conduct and document a classroom observation
    5) Will consult school psychology office if intervening factors are presents such as: English language proficiency, learning disability, physical impairment, emotional disability, gender or race bias or socio/cultural deprivation. 

Gifted Evaluation

Students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual and creative ability may be recommended by his/her teacher or request by his/her parent for a Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation.  Parents who believe their child may be in need of gifted services may request that a Multidisciplinary Evaluation be conducted. The request shall be in writing, addressed to the building principal, and should explain why parents believe that an evaluation is necessary.

There is a systematic process of testing, assessment, and other evaluative processes used by this team to develop a recommendation about whether or not a student is gifted or needs gifted education services. There is an initial notice to parents and consent from the parents.  A written referral for evaluation is completed.  The team is formed on the basis of the student’s needs and is comprised of the student’s parent(s), a certified school psychologist, persons familiar with the student’s educational experience and performance, one or more of the student’s current teachers, persons trained in the appropriate evaluation techniques and, when possible, persons familiar with the student’s cultural background.

For students referred, individualized assessments are evaluated with additional standardized intelligence and achievement measures, the results of which are compared to other multiple criteria such as academic record, a classroom observation during a core class, parent and teacher rating scales, and other parent and teacher input.

Multiple criteria indicating gifted ability include:

1) A year or more above grade achievement level for the normal age group in one or more subjects as measured by Nationally normed and validated achievement tests able to accurately reflect gifted performance. Subject results shall yield academic instruction levels in all academic subject areas.

2) An observed or measured rate of acquisition/retention of new academic content or skills that reflect gifted ability.

3) Demonstrated achievement, performance or expertise in one or more academic areas as evidenced by excellence of products, portfolio or research, as well as criterion-referenced judgment.

4) Early and measured use of high level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest areas, communications skills, foreign language aptitude or technology expertise.

5) Additionally, parent and student input is sought in the form of rating scales and open-ended responses to various items targeting special areas of interest and identifying any masking conditions. Finally, the student’s educational record is also considered.

6) Other intervening factors are reviewed.   This may include documented or observed evidence of the following: English language proficiency, learning disability, physical impairment, emotional disability, gender or race bias or socio/cultural deprivation.

Determination of gifted ability is not be based on IQ score alone. Deficits in memory or processing speed, as indicated by testing, are not the sole basis upon which a student is determined to be ineligible for gifted special education. A student with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to gifted programming if the other educational criteria in the profile of the student strongly indicate gifted ability. Determination of mentally gifted includes an assessment by a certified school psychologist.

A written report is generated and a copy of the evaluation is presented to the parents within 60 calendar days after the district receives written parental consent for evaluation (except calendar days from last day of spring to day before first day of the following school term). 

Any student who is determined to be in the need of gifted support will be offered a Gifted Individual Education Program.

Gifted Evaluations are conducted by the gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation team as specified in Title 22 Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 16.



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For more information about the Gifted Education Program please contact:

Dave Borrell
Director of Student Services
(717) 432-8691 x1109


Matthew Meakin 

Assistant Superintendent
(717) 432-8691 x1102

Gifted Programming

The gifted continuum of services includes targeted classroom enrichment, flexible and/or grouping in core content areas, enrichment following consultation with gifted teacher, subject acceleration, pull-out for project-focused tasks, and grade acceleration as needed.

Gifted Education Teachers:
Meg Foster  -  Elementary Gifted Educator (all four buildings)
Lori McDonaldMiddle School School Gifted Educator
Jamie Marakovits - High School Gifted Educator