Kindergarten Information and District Health Forms
Kindergarten Orientation Forum will be March 23, 2022 from 6-7 PM in the Northern High School Cafeteria.
All Health forms will be in the Kindergarten registration packet. In the mean time, should you need any health related form (physical/dental). Please see forms below for Printing and taking to your scheduled registration appointment.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION DATES: Call your child's School Building to schedule an appointment
Wellsville Elementary 432-8691 ext 1600
Dillsburg Elementary 432-8691 ext 1400
Northern Elementary 432-8691 ext 1500
South Mountain Elementary 432-8691 ext 1700
Before your child enters Kindergarten:
1. Your child will need a complete Physical Exam and all immunizations must be up to date and the forms returned to the school nurse.
2.Your child will need a complete Dental exam and the signed dental form returned to the school nurse.
3. If your child requires any medications to be given at school a medication order form must be signed by the prescribing doctor and returned to the school nurse(see medication policy)
4. If your child has any special medical needs, these should be brought to the school nurse's attention and the proper forms from the doctor will need to be signed and returned to the school nurse. These require special forms: Diabetes, Seizures, Asthma, Severe Allergy (uses Epi-pen), any medications, Special Medical procedures, Food allergies