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General Information 2024-25


      Northern York County School District      

Food Service Department 




Northern School District Logo



Food Service Department Contact Information:
Phone Number: (717) 432-8691

Administration - Scott Shedlock, Food Service Director - Ext. 1111
High School - Donna Slugg, Head Cook - Ext. 2037
Middle School - Sunshine Lashinsky, Head Cook - Ext. 1313
Northern Elementary - Beth MacSkimming, Head Cook - Ext. 1503
Dillsburg Elementary - Margaret Lombardo, Head Cook - Ext. 1405
South Mountain Elementary - Karen King, Head Cook - Ext. 1703
Wellsville Elementary - Cindy Yeager, Head Cook - Ext. 1603



Meal Pricing 2024-25



Elementary - Full Pay:  FREE for SY 2024-25

Middle School - Full Pay:  FFREE for SY 2024-25  

High School - Full Pay:  FREE for SY 2024-25

Reduced Price (All Grades):  FREE for SY 2024-25 


Elementary - Full Pay:  $2.75

Middle School - Ful Pay:  $3.00

High School - Full Pay:  $3.25

Reduced Price (All Grades):  FREE for SY 2024-25 



Milk is included with every reimbursable meal.

Milk purchased by itself (ie. for a packed lunch or an extra milk) is charged at ala carte pricing for ALL students (Paid, Reduced and Free)

Milk:  All Grades      $0.50



******Important Notice Regarding Bread Products******
This is notice that bread products for the 2024-25 SY contain the following allergens:





In 2012-13 the Northern York County School District began following new Federal Guidelines regarding nutritional standards for school meals. These changes to the School Breakfast Program (SBP) and National School Lunch Program (NSLP) come from the passage of the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.  These new Federal Guidelines were created based on age appropriate scientific data and are “in line” with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Meals served in the NSLP continue to offer students 5 components:







Middle School and High School students participating in the school lunch program, in order to receive a “regular” lunch for $3.00 (MS)/$3.25 (HS) (paid students), $0.40 (reduced students) or free, must choose at least 3 of these 5 components and must include a fruit or vegetable component as a selection. Students may choose all 5 components but must choose a minimum of 3 as stated above.


Additionally, other standard changes include:

-       Smaller portion sizes of protein/meat alternatives with weekly minimum and maximums

-       Increased portions of fruits and vegetables

-       The creation of vegetable subgroups to be met weekly including dark greens, red/orange vegetables and legumes

-       An increase in the amount of whole grain items offered

-       Fat free (flavored or unflavored) and 1% (unflavored) milk only







School Lunch Clipart