Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Northern Food Service
Free and Reduced Lunch Information Page
Families that have children attending a public school district can apply online for free or reduced price school meals through the National School Lunch Program.
**Please Scroll to the bottom of the page for application documents**
Each student will receive an application for free and reduced priced meals at the beginning of the school year. You may also apply at any point throughout the school year if you experience a loss of income and/or and increase in household size.
You must turn in an application every year to continue receiving free and reduced meal benefits.
If you are applying for free or reduced price meals for the first time, you are responsible for the cost of all meal purchases until your application is approved. Paper applications may be obtained from your child's school or you may click on the file located at the bottom of this page to download a copy to complete. Completed forms should be returned to the address below. You may also apply online at the COMPASS website: If you apply online, it is not necessary to complete a paper application.
Please remember: If you are applying for free or reduced price meals for the first time, you are responsible for the cost of all meal purchases until your application is approved
If you received approval for free or reduced meals during the 2023-24 school year, you will continue to receive the benefits for which you were approved for 30 days. The grace period for 2024-25 extends from September 3, 2024 until October 15, 2024. You may complete and return a paper application or apply online at the COMPASS website
If you do not complete and return your application your benefits will be terminated at the end of the day on October 15, 2024.
Milk Purchases (ALL Students) Please Read:
Milk is included with every reimbursable meal.
Milk purchased by itself (ie. for a packed lunch or an extra milk) is charged at ala carte pricing for ALL students (Paid, Reduced and Free.
Milk: All Grades $0.50
For more information and/or questions, please contact Scott Shedlock at
Phone: (717) 432-8691 Ext.1111
Applications may be submitted to:
Mr. Scott Shedlock
Food Service Director
Northern York County School District
650 S. Baltimore Street
Dillsburg, PA 17019