Census/Tax Collection
The Office of Census/Tax Collection
Located in the District Administration Office at 650 S. Baltimore St., Dillsburg PA 17019.
Mrs. Brenda King is available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Mrs. King may be reached at 432-8691, ext. 1108 or by e-mail bking@northernyork.org
School district taxes are collected by elected tax collectors for each municipality within the district.
Please contact the tax collector for your municipality with questions regarding your taxes or changes to your residency status.
Carroll Township, Mrs. Christina Heisey, (717)-502-6382
Dillsburg Borough, Mrs. Debbi Beitzel, (717)-432-3341
Franklin Township, Mrs. Rhonda Harpster, (717)-432-3813
Franklintown Borough, Mrs. Debbi Beitzel, (717)-432-3341
Monaghan Township, Mrs. Carly Baker, (717)-979-6302
Warrington Township, Mrs. Marcy Renshaw, (717)-432-8165
Washington Township, Mrs. Dorothy Yost, (717)-432-3484
Wellsville Borough, Mrs. Marcy Renshaw, (717)-432-8165
Per Capita Exemption Criteria for Exemption
Application for Homestead Deduction https://yorkcountypa.gov/images/pdf/hom_app1.pdf
Please contact the tax collector to certify payment of school real estate taxes.