Winter Weather School Delays and Closings
As the temperatures drop and the potential for weather events increases, I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone about this year’s plans for winter-related delays and closures.
When weather conditions dictate that unscheduled closings, delays, or early dismissals are in the best interest of student and staff safety, the District will use several communication channels to notify parents, students, and staff as quickly as possible:
• Blackboard Alert Messaging System – Notification will be sent via automated phone calls and emails
• District Website – Information will be posted as an on-screen alert when you visit the District website at www.northernpolarbears.com
• Social Media – Information will be shared on the District’s Twitter feed @NorthernYorkSD
• Other – Details will also be reported to local radio and television stations
Notifications for each weather-related event will specify whether extracurricular activities including athletic games and practices will be canceled for the day.
There will be no instruction on the first two winter weather closings. These “snow days” will be made up on February 16 and March 8 per our 2023-24 School Year Calendar.
For closings beyond the first two snow days, instruction will take place at home and will be provided through remote learning. The District has the authority to provide up to five of these remote learning days, should conditions necessitate, before we would have to start adding days to the end of the school calendar in June.
Your principal has already communicated or will be following up with you about what instructional delivery will look like on remote learning days.
Wishing you all a safe and fun winter season.
Thank you,
Steve Kirkpatrick
Superintendent of Schools