Elementary: Winter Weather Information
Elementary Winter Weather Information 23-24
There will be no instruction on the first two winter weather closings. These “snow days” will be made up on February 16 and March 8 per our 2023-24 School Year Calendar.
For closings beyond the first two snow days, elementary students will engage in a flexible instruction approach with an at-home packet provided by the school. The District has the authority to provide up to five of these remote learning days, should conditions necessitate, before we would have to start adding days to the end of the school calendar in May. See below for more information.
Snow Days 1 & 2:
- The first two (2) snow days will be conducted as traditional snow days.... students and staff have the day off with no assignments or instruction.
- These make-up days are scheduled into our current district calendar. With this, no school will held on Snow Day 1 and Snow Day 2 of this year and we hope they are the best heaviest snow days ever!
Snow Day 1: This is a real snow day! No work to complete and enjoy the day playing outside and drinking hot chocolate. This day will be made up on February 16th, 2024.
Snow Day 2: This is a real snow day! No work to complete and enjoy the day playing outside and drinking hot chocolate. This day will be made up on March 8, 2024.
Snow Days 3-6:
Packets for Days 3 & 4 will be sent home soon. Students will be expected to complete the paper packet for school work that day and this will count as their attendance for the day. They should return the packet the day they return to school, to their homeroom teacher.
- Snow Day 3: Remote Learning: Students will use the Flexible Instruction Day Packet A.
- Snow Day 4: Remote Learning: Students will use the Flexible Instruction Day Packet B.
- Snow Day 5: Remote Learning: Students will use the Flexible Instruction Day Packet C.
- Snow Day 6: Remote Learning: Students will use the Flexible Instruction Day Packet D.
The remote learning days will not be made up at the end of the school year. However, should we run out of snow days and a remote day is not an option, the additional make-up days will be added to the end of the school year. Should this occur, families will be notified by the District.
Announcement of Snow Days: Principals will receive a message that School is Closed for the day. We will alert staff via email and parents via blackboard message/email letting them know of the school closure. Specific directions for that specific day will be provided in email.