One District One Book
NYCSD Elementary Schools Present
One District, One Book
Check back in February as we launch our next One District, One Book series! Check out the information below about this program!
What is One District, One Book?
One District, One Book is a national program where schools read a common text together as a community. This year, all four NYCSD elementary schools will read a novel together. Every family, teacher, and staff member will receive a copy of the text.
Who should read the book?
Everyone in your family! Reading aloud at home is valuable because it prepares your child to be an effective reader. It is also a fun and worthwhile family activity. With our One District, One Book program, we are looking to build a community of readers at NYCSD!
When do we read the book?
You'll receive a reading calendar to know when to follow along.
What other events will occur with our program?
There will be several fun activities coordinated with our One District, One Book program! All students will participate in a kickoff assembly. Book trivia for prizes will occur daily in school. We will also have spirit days during our One District, One Book program.