Device Insurance
Device Insurance
The last date to purchase device insurance for the 24-25 school year was September 30, 2024. Information about device insurance for the 25-26 school year will be available in the summer of 2025.
Below you will find the primary points of the insurance:
Cost of the insurance is $25 per student (will adjust to reflect meal status, if release form is signed)
2 accidental damage repairs for students in grades K-2, through Apple.
1 accidental damage repair for students in grades 3-12, through Dell.
Any damage deemed intentional by the technicians will not be covered.
Does not cover lost/stolen/damaged chargers.
Covers the device for the full 2024-2025 school year, including the summer of 2025 (if applicable).
Damages to loaner devices will count against insurance.
Available to purchase until September 30, 2024. No exceptions will be made to this deadline.
A letter will be sent to your family notifying you of any insurance usage. If insurance has been exhausted, or not purchased, an invoice and letter will be sent regarding repair costs.
Any questions, please email