Emergency School Closings
Emergency Closings
When it becomes necessary to close school due to inclement weather conditions or other circumstances, parents will be notified via the automated telephone and email messaging system. Provisions are also made for appropriate announcements on the radio and television stations below. Notifications are also posted on the District’s website and Twitter account (@NorthernYorkSD).
- WHP-TV (CBS 21) WGTY (FM 107.7)
- WHTM-TV (ABC 27) WARM (FM 103.3)
- WGAL-TV (NBC 8) WRKZ (FM 102.3)
- WPMT-TV (FOX 43) WINK (FM 104.1)
- WSBA (AM 910) Rocky FM 98
- WGET (AM 1320) WHVR (AM 1280) WHP (AM 580)
Modified Kindergarten Schedule
When a two hour delay becomes necessary due to inclement weather, the following modified kindergarten schedule will be in effect:
Begin A.M. session 10:50 AM End A.M. session 12:35 PM
Begin P.M. session 1:55 PM End P.M. session 3:40 PM
The morning kindergarten students will be brought to school on the regular elementary buses on a two hour delay and delivered to the kindergarten stop one hour later than the normal scheduled time. The afternoon kindergarten students will be picked up by the kindergarten buses one hour later than the normal scheduled time and will be taken home on the regular elementary buses at dismissal.